Tuesday, June 14, 2011

14.06.11 California Diner - 'Love and Flowers!'

This week, on the California Diner, the theme writes itself. I swear, sometimes these shows have a mind (and a central nervous system) of their own. I'm just the lucky guy who gets to spin 33 amazing songs for you in a mere two hours.

And the theme that emerged out of the abyss: Love and Flowers! Two great concepts that go together. And I didn't even think about it until putting the show together!

We'll start off the show with the Flowers portion. This show marks the Recharged Radio debut of Lannie Flowers, a Texas-based singer-songwriter, who makes some sweet power pop. Lannie keeps the genre alive well into the second decade of the 21st century. The song we're going to feature comes off of his Circles album, and you'll be impressed by the sense of urgency that you'll feel from the first note!


We've had the legendary Patrick Campbell-Lyons on the show before. And this master of 1960's (and 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, and 10's) psychedelia proves that his genre is still a vital art form as well. He truly is one of the founding fathers of this style of music. We'll hear flower-related song from his recent solo effort The 13 Dalis. Flower Power lives!


The Love portion of our show features three songs in a row, all having to do with various aspects of the best four letter word in the English language.

If you've listened to my shows over the last few months, it's pretty hard to get me to stop babbling on about Lindy LaFontaine. But her music bears repeated listening—the perfect combination of a finely-tuned singing voice and dramatic, well-crafted songs to showcase that voice. The song I'm going to play for you this week has to do with love—the uncertainty of it all.


Jeff Merchant is a singer-songwriter from Los Angeles. His quirky, sophisticated pop sounds are character studies in urban life. The previous album Window Rolled Down and his current album City Makes No Sound are like audio paintings of life in the big city, with its millions of stories. The song we'll hear on this week's show is a psychedelic feast for the ears. On the surface, it's urging you to be good to yourself, to love yourself, but there are some scary underpinnings. A deep song, to be sure.


Sal Valentino is another legend who we've recently had on the show. The leader of the Beau Brummels has had a great solo career. His most recent album Dreamin' Man is a great set of pop songs, many of which have to do with love. He and musical collaborator John Blakeley put together some really tasty tunes. Sal sings with conviction, and you can hear the absolute humanity in his voice, while John backs him with some of the most elegant, listenable guitar and mandolin licks I've heard in a long while. And yes, this song of Sal's is so much about love, it's even in the title!


If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike

Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Flowers For Friday
Lannie Flowers - Circles
Beth Thornley - You're So Pony
Ornery Little Darlings - Run From the Gun
Laurie Biagini - You're A Dangerous Thing
Mad Mush - Silent Snowfall
Blake Jones & The Trike Shop - Sun Up
The Taters - Going Over The Hill
Vegas With Randolph - Summertime
F.O.O.S. (Four Out Of Seven) - Dedicated To A Dead Cat
Melissa Phillips - So Young
Maple Mars - Add The Numbers
Heiskell - The Chubby Guy Song
Popdudes - Neglected
Joe Symes - Lost Along The Way
Chad Neaves - Wonderful Day
Emily Zuzik & Tim Lefebvre - West Coast East Coast
Rich McCulley - Far From My Angel
Snow Byrds - Master Of Ceremonies
Lindy LaFontaine - I Might Not Love You
Jeff Merchant - Love Yourself Away
Sal Valentino - Lovin' Fallin'
Exotica - All Your Goodbyes
Dead Heart Bloom - Sentimental Cures
Maxi Dunn - Don't Look Back
Agony Aunts - Me Being Maximum
Baby Scream - Suddenly
Duncan Faure - Man Of A Thousand Dreams
Allyson Seconds - Dig My Pig
Nushu - Synthia
Tom Alford - What Could Have Been
Dennis Holseybrook - Take Care My Friend
June & The Exit Wounds - Idly By

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