Tuesday, April 26, 2011

26.04.11 California Diner - 'The 32!'

You know, I come up with some of the coolest titles for show themes when I don't really have an actual structured theme. So I just gave away my modus operandi this week: flying by the seat of my pants, without an actual theme.

But fret not—because I'm going to try to construct one for you. You see, we've got 32 songs to play for you on this week's California Diner. And let's see, California was the, um, 31st state to join the Union, in 1850. Oops—I should have played one less song. Nope—I don't want to cheat you out of any of this great music. So which state came after California? The 32nd U.S. State, added in 1858, was the great state of Minnesota, from whence the other American on our crew, Justin Wayne, comes from.

What else do we have? This theme needs something else. If you were to make an international telephone call, and use country code 32, you'd reach Belgium.  32 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which water freezes in the United States. Interestingly enough, it freezes at 0 degrees Celsius in the rest of the world! Channel 32 is the Fox network affiliate in Chicago. 32-bit is some kind of computer thing. 32 is the amount of bottles of beer left on the wall after the first 68 have disappeared.

Okay, I think I've pushed it way too far. Suffice it to say, I'm proud that I'm able to squeeze in 32 songs this week. Great artists like Anny Celsi, based in Los Angeles, who writes and sings thoughtful Americana tunes. We'll start the show with one that sticks with you, from her Tangle-Free World album. We'll debut a loose, informal live track from Jerzey Street Band—an amazing Americana band from Manchester, UK—but they sound more like they come from somewhere around Tennessee or Georgia. New York City band The K's will jump-start your evening with their energetic power pop, straight off of their Can't Get It Together album (buy that one—use it instead of caffeine!). And we'll finish the show with a moody, sultry one from Los Angeles singer-songwriter Sarah Stanley. It's from her Tuesday Girl album, co-written with Rich McCulley, and the clever lyrics will make you wonder why more people don't write songs like this—oh yeah—because they're not Sarah Stanley! What the heck—we'll even throw in one of Rich's tunes this week, because we love you!


If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike

Anny Celsi - First Love Freezes
Jerzey Street Band – Wasting Time
Agony Aunts - Linus's Fists Of Death
Chad Neaves - Something In My Soul
Sal Valentino - Catherine I Do
Kama Linden - Better Late Than Never
Cop On The Edge - Honorary Girl
The Dashing Suns - Sally Moore
Rich McCulley - Far From My Angel
Blake Jones & The Trike Shop - Forestiere Gardens
Anton Barbeau - Psychedelic Mynde of Moses
Beth Thornley - Still Can't Hide
Last Breath - Been Down This Road
Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend
Karim Fanous - So Long Jenny J
Dennis Holseybrook - Take Care My Friend
Allen - Hold Me Tight
Kate Burkart - The High Road
Clockwise - Boomtown
Nelson Bragg - Forever Days
Emily Zuzik & Tim Lefebvre - E-Vill
Lindy LaFontaine (with KYRO) - Alizee
Mood Rings - Indian Hills
Todd Dillingham - Crimson Spires
The Ks - The Mosquito
Baby Scream - Suddenly
Thinking For Tuesday - Falling
Throwback Suburbia - Head Over Heels
Laurie Biagini - You're A Dangerous Thing
The Smith Bros - Kerrie Anne
Duncan Faure - In The Right Place
Sarah Stanley - Tuesday Girl

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

19.04.11 California Diner - 'Psychedelic Days with Patrick Campbell-Lyons!'

On this week's California Diner, we have a brush with greatness. We'll get to meet the founding member of Nirvana (UK) Patrick Campbell-Lyons. This is the original Nirvana, formed in London in the 1960s, not to be confused with Kurt Cobain's Seattle Nirvana of the 1990s.

Okay, now that we've gotten that bit of clarification out of the way—to say that Patrick has observed and created musical history would be a gross understatement. But there's no simpler way to put it. Here's a guy who's had drinks with Jimi Hendrix, had his clothes and musical instruments vandalized with paint--by Salvador Dali (probably rendering them more valuable than before), and played on the same bill with an up-and-coming Rolling Stones, to name a few adventures.

But again, those activities don't do justice to Patrick's place in musical history. He started in Second Thoughts, a British R&B band in the early 1960s. This was a time when a lot of UK bands were playing American R&B, criminally neglected by the American public, and eventually teaching us Americans all about it.

Alas, if you know anything about the 1960s, it was a time of transitions. And musically, the big transition was to psychedelic music. I'm not gonna define it here—you'll just have to listen to the interview—I asked Patrick to define it for you. He's one of the masters. In 1967, Patrick teamed up with Alex Spyropoulos to form Nirvana, and it's generally recognized that Nirvana was one of the early leaders in the psychedelic sound. In fact, they're often credited with introducing the phasing sound, heard on so many other great records.

Patrick's currently touring California on the strength of his new album, The 13 Dalis, and his new book, Psychedelic Days. The book takes you on a first hand tour of swingin' 1960's London, and the album shows you what psychedelia sounds like in the 21st century. Patrick urged me to listen to the entire album in one sitting, to understand the general feel and message, and it worked. A beautiful, introspective, spacey, sometimes rockin' album, it ebbs and flows through the inner recesses of your mind. Some of the tunes really stay with you as you navigate your daily life.

And guess what—if you're in Los Angeles on Friday, April 29th, you're invited to a rare opportunity to meet Patrick! Catch him at Stories Books & Cafe, in the eclectic Echo Park neighborhood. He'll be doing readings from the book, and with the help of like-minded Los Angeles band Allah Las, he'll be performing an intimate set of his songs on their back patio. Not to be missed!

Stories Books & Cafe

1716 Sunset Blvd .

Los Angeles, CA


For more info on Patrick: http://www.psychedelicdays.com/

For more info on Nirvana: http://nirvana-uk.com

If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike



Maxi Dunn - How Was I To Know
Throwback Suburbia - Asking Why
Baby Scream - The Ghost Of Valerie
Joe Symes - Lost Along The Way
Auditorium - I'm the Enforcer
Lindy LaFontaine (with KYRO) - Alizee
Maple Mars - Beautiful Mess
Dead Heart Bloom - Sentimental Cures

Patrick Campbell-Lyons Interview
Patrick Campbell-Lyons – A Prayer Before A Kiss
Patrick Campbell-Lyons – Flowers For Friday

Nirvana (UK) – Rainbow Chaser
Nushu - Here's To Feeling Free
Tom Alford - Wasp Lands On Sunflower
The Scratch - Homely Crackle
The Big I Am - Collecting Skies
Miami Dan and the Hayes Street Band - Star Of The Beach
Emily Zuzik - This Time Around
Skip Heller - I Used To Love California
Rob One - African
Adrian Bourgeois - Mr. Imaginary Friend
Joey Oskys - In This Town
Duncan Faure - Man Of A Thousand Dreams
The Corner Laughers - Transamerica Pyramid
Tom Moriarty - Fire in the Dolls House
Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone
Bill Mumy - All Wound Up

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

12.04.11 California Diner - 'Election Time Again!'

Well, not THOSE elections. You know, where the corrupt, evil politicians (the other guys) run against the pure, benevolent public servants (your guys). On the California Diner, we don't do politics. We do music. And food. And bad jokes. And food. And music. (In that order, thank you very much!)

I lived in the Chicago area for ten years, a place known for their, um, inspired electioneering. Any place with a motto of “vote early and often” has got my vote...several of them, in fact! And now I live in the capital city of California, Sacramento. I live among politicians, for crying out loud!

Here at Recharged Radio, we have some rather fun elections. Our friend Pete Renzullo, he of Close to Nowhere fame, has started a feature on his Wednesday show called “That Time Of The Month”. This is where the rest of us Recharged Radio presenters lobby (there's an American political term for you) to have our favorite track of the past month on his short list of five songs to vote for.

And I lobbied hard to have a song by Lindy LaFontaine on the list. She's a great singer-songwriter from Berkeley, California (near San Francisco), who's been captivating me and my listeners with her incredible vocals, set against the backdrop of her dramatic songs. She's a vocalist's vocalist, put quite simply. I've written about her in these pages before. Recently, she won the Twirlie Award for Female Vocalist of the Year on my other radio show. And she's working on an upcoming album. Every song she's sent me, without fail, is a winner.

She sent me an older track, Alizee, and seeing how it captured my imagination this last month, it needed to make this list. And it needs your vote. So go ahead, listen to it on my show, then give her a click on the polling widget on the home page of rechargedradio.com, in the right column. C'mon, let your Chef Mike know that you enjoy what he's been serving up!

You really owe it to yourself to check out Lindy's music, and support this fine artist. Visit her at:

If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike

Mad Tea Party - Blues Slip In
Sweet Sweet Concorde - Armadillo Man
Lindy LaFontaine (with KYRO) - Alizee
The Scratch - Homely Crackle
Sound Sessions - Be My Shaper
Rich McCulley - Far From My Angel
Soundserif - John Titor or the Time Traveler
Left Step Band - The Deep End
The Taters - Right B4 My Eyes
The Big I Am - Better Days
Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Sunset City
The Britannicas - Bleed Between The Lines
Laurie Biagini - A Face In The Crowd
Stray Kites - Misanthrope
Chad Neaves - Something In My Soul
Nelson Bragg - Tell Me I'm Wrong
Tina Lie - Twilight Hour
Niteflights - Marnie
Laurie Larson - All Year Long
Last Breath - The Story Ends
Sarah Taylor - The Cure To Everything
Three Hour Tour - Pig in Disguise
Sal Valentino - Looking For You
Boomchick - TGTW
Fortune Dwellers - Al's Song
Maxi Dunn - Don't Look Back
Karim Fanous - Thin Bits
Raistalla - Good Work
Anton Barbeau - Psychedelic Mynde of Moses
Melissa Phillips - No Matter
Rob One - Flames
Jay Fraser - That's How We Roll

Thursday, April 7, 2011

05.07.11 California Diner - 'Independent's Day!'

This week in the States, we celebrated our annual 4th of July Independence Day holiday. And I realized that here on Recharged Radio, it's always Independent's Day! We celebrate the best music by independent artists and labels who struggle to get their great music out there.

And it's working. I swear, I find the best music through such venues as Facebook, ReverbNation, and of course, Tourdates.co.uk. It may be a sign of the times, and a sign of the fragmented media, but I not only couldn't tell you which songs are popular, let alone on the “Top 10” of commercial music, I probably wouldn't even recognize most of the artists.

I could chalk it up to me getting older, but I don't think so. I probably listen to as much music as any teenager or 20-something. Just like you, I want to listen to interesting music that excites me and gets all my senses fired up. So I find indie music—or should I say, it finds me! And that's what's on my MP3 player, and on my radio shows.

So for this Independent's Day holiday, let's celebrate our independence from bad music and bad attitudes. Independence Day may be an American holiday, but Independent's Day is for everyone everwhere who likes great music. And here's a few indie artists whose music we'll be celebrating tonight:

M.A.D.I.S.O.N. - www.reverbnation.com/madisonrockband
The Fuegos - www.thefuegos.co.uk
Adrian Bourgeois - www.adrianbourgeois.com
Jimmy Catlett - www.reverbnation.com/jimmycatlett
Fortune Dwellers - www.reverbnation.com/fortunedwellers

If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike

Goodfinger - Sounds Of The City
M.A.D.I.S.O.N. - Try
Maxi Dunn - Weather Warning
The Fuegos - Against the World
Emily Zuzik & Tim Lefebvre - E-Vill
Blake Jones & The Trike Shop - Sun Up
Sparklejet - Let's Behind That Place
Kat Jones - Those Expensive Eyes
Kamp David - Red Hotel
Fortune Dwellers - Al's Song
Joseph Swidenbank - Coming Up For Air
The Corner Laughers - Transamerica Pyramid (Single Mix)
Jimmy Catlett - That River
Sweet Sweet Concorde - Armadillo Man
Dennis Holseybrook - Take Care My Friend
Adrian Bourgeois - Mr. Imaginary Friend
Duncan Faure - Man Of A Thousand Dreams
Mark Bacino - Happy
Dead Town Radio - Flood
Kate Burkart - Cross The Street
Heiskell - The Chubby Guy Song
Baby Scream - Lazy
Laurie Biagini - My Little SUV
Imani Hekima - Nothing's What It Seems
Auditorium - Sunday
Sal Valentino - Lovin' Fallin'
Lannie Flowers - Turn Up Your Radio
Lindy LaFontaine (with KYRO) - Alizee
Maple Mars - Transcendental Guidance
Isaac's Aircraft - My Baby Did Me Wrong
Jay Fraser - That's How We Roll

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

05.04.11 California Diner - 'The Britannicas Interview!'

I used to think it was pretty cool that a guy like me, sitting here in Northern California, can do a radio show on a London, UK radio station, over 5,000 miles and 8 time zones away. Breaking the barriers of space and time. What could be cooler?

Well, I just found something cooler! How about a power pop trio featuring members from Chicago, USA; Perth Australia; and Stockholm, Sweden! Nearly evenly spaced around the globe (more or less), Herb Eimerman, Joe Algeri, and Magnus Karlsson are The Britannicas, and they are rockin' the planet!

It's a testament to living in the 21st Century that this is even possible. Joe starts the ball rolling, and records a track, then Herb will add something, then Magnus puts his touches to it. They send tracks around the world, counter-clockwise, via high-speed internet. As the guys told me, when they're in production, it's virtually guaranteed that in a 24 hour period, at least one Britannica is working on a song at any given time.

These guys did meet in person, years ago, last century, in a dial-up world. They had talent and chemistry, but vast distances separating them.

Fast forward to 2010. They put out a fantastic debut album, The Britannicas. Ridiculously infectious pop tracks that sound so good, you'd swear these guys recorded it in the same room. But no, all done long distance.

Even better news: The Britannicas just released a digital EP called “3 Sided Single”. Why the title? Because there are 3 songwriters who each wanted to write a classic power pop track. So they each did. And I love their motivation—they're giving it away for F-R-E-E, as a thank you to those who bought the album! Wait—you don't have the album yet? Not to worry—they've got your back. Consider the 3 Sided Single a teaser. Download it, listen to it, love it, then buy the full album. Simple. Do it.

We'll chat with Herb and Joe on this week's California Diner. We'll find out that these two haven't seen each other in over a decade. I'll ask the hard-hitting questions, like “what's it going to take to get you guys out on tour together?” Turns out, the answer's not that hard. And most importantly, we'll hear all three songs on the 3 Sided Single.

Learn more about The Britannicas and get the album: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/britannicas

Get the 3 Sided Single: http://joealgeri.bandcamp.com/album/the-3-sided-single

If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike

Joseph Swidenbank - Harsh Words 
Patrick Campbell-Lyons - All I Do Is For You 
The Scratch - Homely Crackle 
Motorcycle Display Team - In Between Ages 
Rose Reiter - Wherever 
Maple Mars - Transcendental Guidance 
Agony Aunts - Linus's Fists Of Death 
Dead Heart Bloom - Sentimental Cures 
The Britannicas Interview 
The Britannicas – Bleed Between The Lines 
The Britannicas – I Work At The Post Office 
The Britannicas – (Talkin’ ’bout) Summer 
Rich McCulley - Little Bit Broken 
Beth Thornley - You're So Pony 
Baby Scream - Suddenly 
Truth Panel - Human Drama 
Mark Bacino - Middle Town 
Maxi Dunn/Elizabeth Racz - Why 
Sal Valentino - Catherine I Do 
Rob One - African 
Blake Jones & The Trike Shop - Sun Up 
Kate Burkart - Cross The Street 
Jimmy Catlett - Ransom 
Melted Toys - Wild Waves 
Popdudes - Neglected 
Sarah Taylor - Bad Medicine 
Laurie Biagini - Bambuzled 
Six Gun Jury - Chancellor Pink 
Dennis Holseybrook - Take Care My Friend