Tuesday, February 8, 2011

08.02.11 California Diner - 'Putting the Power in Power Pop!'

What if there were a world without caffeine? No buzz from coffee, tea, energy drinks, 5 hour energy supplements, and the like? Well, there would probably be fewer wars, fights, and reality TV shows, because all those terrible things require alert people!
But really, most of us are normal people, and we occasionally need that little pick-me-up to help us through the slow parts of the day. If there were no caffeine, we could use that fantastic genre of music known as Power Pop to lift our spirits, and invigorate us! And on this week's California Diner, we're going to serve up a couple of examples of that energizing music.
The Smith Bros. are a band from Columbus, Ohio who traffic in just that sort of thing. They've got it all—the catchy hooks, the Hollies-like harmonies, and rising choruses reminiscent of the Raspberries. Mike Clark, Pat Dollenmayer, Kris Phillips and Eric Fritsch are currently working on their third album, and from what I've heard so far, it promises to be so uplifting, I might be able to toss my Starbucks card out the window. Mike was kind enough to sneak a track my way, and we'll hear it on this week's show.
The Popdudes are, well, just that: some Pop dudes from Southern California who know their way around a power pop tune or two. The core of the group are legendary music scribe John Borack on drums and Sparkle*jets UK singer/songwriter Michael Simmons (no relation to Sparklejet, whom coincidentally, we'll also hear on tonight's show). John writes for Goldmine Magazine, and recently penned a biography about John Lennon as well. The Popdudes usually perform lots of covers to please their friendly crowds (of which I was part of last summer, on a trip to L.A.), but they've got some original tricks up their sleeve. And we'll hear one of these highly-charged treats this week on the Diner.
So there you go. If you're feeling a bit run down, these two bands will zap you right up! We'll play tons of other fine music, careening from from folk to jazz to rock to trip-hop, to make sure you stay alert and engaged.
If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!
Chef Mike

Agony Aunts - Linus's Fists Of Death 
The Smith Bros - Kerrie Anne 
Jimmy Catlett - Falling Up 
Three Hour Tour - Pig in Disguse 
Ben Parcell - Close Your Eyes 
Baby Scream - The Ghost Of Valerie 
Anny Celsi - Thanksgiving In Hollywood 
Tom Alford - Look To The Stars 
Little Guilt Shrine - What I'm Thinking 
Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend 
Adrian Bourgeois - Mr. Imaginary Friend 
Sue Leonard - Nickel 
The Mike Brown Band - Pay 
Laurie Biagini - You're A Dangerous Thing 
IC7 - Given 
Jeff Merchant - Love Yourself Away 
Bill Mumy - A Hundred Good Reasons 
Joseph Swidenbank - Harsh Words 
Todd Dillingham - Crimson Spires 
Cult of Wedge - Uprising 
Dave Stephens - Mr. Wonderful 
Nushu - Here's To Feeling Free 
Sparklejet - Let's Behind That Place 
Lindy LaFontaine - Sunday 
Winzenried - Ohio 
Century Man - Get Out Alone 
Rich McCulley - First Word 
The Big I Am - Right About Now 
Sarah Taylor - The Cure To Everything 
Popdudes - Neglected 
Maple Mars - Add The Numbers 
Go National - Mess Girl, Best Girl 

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