Well, over here in the States, we just had our 4th of July holiday weekend. In my neighborhood, we celebrated by having a big, old fashioned block party. We had music, fireworks, and your own Chef Mike cooking for the masses as part of a four man, five grill barbecue crew. As the proprietor of the Tuesday Night Diner, I take my duties very seriously!
On the music front, I discovered a couple of new dishes this very same weekend, and I'm going to serve them to you on this week's show. These two artists represent different strains of what I like to call “pure pop bliss”. It's music so good and infectious, you just want to share it with the entire world. Luckily, Recharged Radio allows me to do just this!
Nelson Bragg is a singer/songwriter who has made his mark on the Los Angeles melodic pop scene over the past decade, since relocating from Massachusetts. He's played with many great bands there, and is a superb composer and arranger. Oh, and by the way—guess what his current job is? He's the drummer/percussionist for Brian Wilson's band. Yes, that Brian Wilson. God only knows how I didn't become acquainted with him until now, but I'm thrilled that his label, SideB Music, was kind enough to reach out and put this great music into my hands. We're going to hear a song off of his Day Into Night album that is complete ear candy. Beautiful, soaring high harmonies. Jangly guitars. A tasty steel guitar bridge. And a melody that will stay in your head throughout the work day and make you want to get off early and jump in the convertible (and if you don't have one, any nearby convertible will do!) and ride down PCH (Pacific Coast Highway to those of you unfamiliar with California) with the wind in your hair, and the sun off to the west, over the water. Damn, I want to hear it again right now!
Clockwise is a four man Canadian band who traffic in the power pop end of the pop spectrum. It's also pure bliss, but in the faster, heavier mold. They've been around for a while, but again, it took Jason, their astute PR person, to slap me around and wake me up to what I've been missing. These guys had my vote when I checked out their MySpace page and found that their influences include “Elvis—both of them”. They've put out three albums in the last decade. They're veterans of several International Pop Overthrow festivals, so you know they've been road tested and approved. The track we're going to hear on the show sounds like something from the heyday of artists like Elvis Costello and Graham Parker. It too will come in handy during your work day. If you can't get away from your desk for a coffee break, just put on some Clockwise. You won't need the caffeine—these guys will jolt you and keep you moving.
And just a quick program note—we have a full schedule this Tuesday—starting with Rob One and the 20/20 Hip Hop show before me at 7:00 p.m. (GMT), and Fiona Ledgard and the Anything Goes Evening Show after me at 10:00 p.m. (GMT). It should be a fun night!
If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.
This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.
See you then!
Chef Mike
With Music From.....
Soundserif - John Titor or the Time Traveler
Nelson Bragg - Forever Days
Tippy Canoe & The Paddlemen - Mass Transmissions
Joe Swidenbank - Happy On My Own
Onward Chariots - Seven Miles Away
Fake Teak – Steve Honest Session: Castaway
Nushu - So Long (Maybe)
Terese Taylor - I'm Here
Maple Mars - Big Imagination
Field - Saturday Soldier
Chad Neaves - You Said
Nacional - Telephone
Beth Thornley - You're So Pony
Kate Burkart - The High Road
Clockwise - Rich And Famous
The Decibels - Overcast Day
Kat Jones - Those Expensive Eyes
Allyson Seconds - If I Could Bring You Trouble
Cy Taggart - Cut It Out
Benson Klemme - Oceans Apart
Sparklejet - The Comeback
Adrian Bourgeois - My House
Maxi Dunn - How Was I To Know
Amnesiac Syndrome - Not Tired
The Taters - Wolfman Told Me Tonight
Ricky Berger - If
Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone
50ft Woman - Ultra Violet
Todd Dillingham - Crimson Spires
The Corner Laughers - Stonewords
The Big I Am - Tongue Tied
The Clutter Family - Moe Howard
The Small Change - Droppin' Petals On The Way Down