Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27.07.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'Found'

Usually, I'm in the business of finding great music for you to listen to on the Tuesday Night Diner. But guess what? Some really great music found ME this week, and I'm thrilled to present it to you.

Amanda Abizaid is a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles, and has seen much success with her songs being placed in various television shows, such as The 4400, Smallville, and Charmed. She's got a wonderful singing voice, and her music has been described as something like “Dido meets Beck”.

She just completed an elegant, classy album called This Life, slated for release on September 15th. But her people got in touch with my people, and rushed a copy to me here in Northern California! Okay, Amanda's got “people”. I'm not big enough to have “people”--so I'm playing the role of my “people”! Full disclosure aside, I'll be spinning a track from This Life on this week's show.

As regular listeners know by now, Maxi Dunn's one of my favorite artists. I've known her for a little over a year, and in that time, she's put together some really interesting, edgy pop music. The “edge” makes the pop more interesting, and the “pop” smoothes out the edginess. She's been working tirelessly with producer Pete Hackett on her next album, The Neglected Gambit, still very much a work in progress. I'm also a big fan of Pete's, so this whole thing bodes well. A new sneak preview track found its way to me this past weekend, and I'll debut it on this week's show.


Finally, tomorrow night is the 100th episode of the Justin Wayne Show here on Recharged Radio. Justin's been consistently making great radio happen, and championing great indie bands since even before Recharged Radio started its grand expansion last year (which led to us two Yanks joining the fold). Tonight is my 33rd show, so if I behave and continue to make good sounds come out of your speakers, I'll someday get to where Justin is. Happy 100th show, Justin! Check it out on Wednesday, 8-10 p.m. GMT here at Recharged Radio!

If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike

With Music From....

The Taters - Right B4 My Eyes
Amanda Abizaid - Wash Me
Model Society - Lux
Allyson Seconds - Tie My Laces
Joe Swidenbank - Crash Course
Soundserif - Brian Adams
Clockwise - Boomtown
Chancellorpink - Muster
Dave Stephens - Alive
Buzz Radio - One Too Many
Ricky Berger - Shmaltz
Black Candy Store - Back To The Wall
Maxi Dunn - The Neglected Gambit
Snow Byrds - Master Of Ceremonies
Mad Tea Party - I Never Was A Cool One
Mark Bacino - Queens English
Kaz Murphy - Hardly Think About That
Man or Mouse - Jackson
Beth Thornley - There's No Way
Baby Scream - Suddenly
Dylan Walshe - Your Belly Not Mine
Splitsville - Pretty People
Nushu - Like The Sun
The Clutter Family - Artist In The Office
Little Guilt Shrine - Exit Flagger
Imani Hekima - Nothing's What It Seems
Laurie Biagini - A Face In The Crowd
Uncle Meat and the Highway Children - Long Gone Mobile
Vegas With Randolph - Above The Blue
Skip Heller - I Used To Love California
The Corner Laughers - The Commonest Manifesto
Kate Burkart - Cross The Street
Sparklejet - Let's Behind That Place

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

20.07.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'Oreo Cookies'

Well, here it is once again—Tuesday night at Recharged Radio. This is the week where we`re fully loaded—wait, I didn`t mean it THAT way. I simply mean that the full Tuesday night ensemble is ready to spring into action and take you to new and interesting musical places.

Apparently, the Oreo cookie is fairly new to Britain, having only been introduced in 2008. It`s two crispy chocolate cookies surrounding a sweet, creamy filling. It`s been a favorite here in America for nearly a century, and it`s kind of shocking that it`s only now made it across the pond. This week`s Tuesday night lineup is very much like an Oreo cookie.


Rob One and the 20/20 Hip Hop show burst upon the scene at 7:00 p.m. (GMT). Rob is a compendium of all things hip hop, and if there`s anything to know about the genre, you`ll probably learn it on his show. Fiona Ledgard grabs the airwaves from my Californian self at 10:00 p.m., and finishes off the night with the Anything Goes Evening Show. She`s always got a wide variety of sessions, interviews, and great music. She shows us how it`s done.

In the middle of this Oreo cookie of radio goodness is the Tuesday Night Diner. This show has to be good, if I`m gonna keep up with the crispy goodness of Rob and Fiona!

So what are we filling the middle of Tuesday with this week?

The Shindig Addicts are a dynamic band from East London. They hold a special place in my heart, because the song of theirs I`m going to play for you this evening is the first song I heard Jordan play when I first heard him on the radio. One thing led to another, and here I am on Recharged Radio! But this song is electric, and will grab your attention. Lead singer Joan makes sure of it. Please don`t pour coffee or perform open heart surgery while listening to it, because you will absolutely botch both tasks!


Anton Barbeau is a legendary Sacramento born-and-bred singer/songwriter who now resides in the UK. We`ve had him on the show before, this past winter. He loves eccentric and psychedelic music, such as that of Robyn Hitchcock and Julian Cope, two of my faves as well. Recently, he`s been gigging all over the place with his band, the Antband, and guess who they are? None other than Morris Windsor and Andy Metcalfe—Robyn Hitchcock`s Egyptians and Soft Boys! Together, they`re going to be supporting Don McGlashan at Dingwall`s in Camden, London, this Thursday night. Definitely go check them out—and tell Anton I said “hi” if you do! In honor of this momentous occasion, we`ll be closing the show with a really great track off of his recent Plastic Guitar release.


If you`d like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you`d like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you`d like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike


With Music From....

The Decibels - That's When Happiness Began
The Shindig Addicts - Not Long Now
Corner Laughers - You Two Are The Ones
Kids Love Lies - Stars
Kat Jones - The Night Is A Veil
Vegas With Randolph - Be The One
Dylan Walshe - 2 Much
Maxi Dunn - Pull You Down
Joseph Swidenbank - Harsh Words
Jimmy Catlett - Falling Up
K. C. Bowman - Mare Island
Go National - Straight Up Jen
The Mike Brown Band - Pay
Cult of Wedge - St. George and the Dragon
Rob Swanson - Pony Girl
Raistalla - Supermodel
Tom Alford - Shiloh
Look Stranger – Church of Steve Honest session: Where Horses Roam
Terese Taylor - The End
Adrian Bourgeois – Mr. Imaginary Friend
Baby Scream - Away
Nelson Bragg - Return The Love You Take
The Pilgrims - Whole Level Down
Chad Neaves - Something In My Soul
Laurie Biagini - Crazy People on the internet
The Clutter Family - Rendering Vat
Beth Thornley - Wash U Clean
The Taters - That's Me
Joey Oskys - C It 2000000
Rob Bonfiglio - Blow Me Away
Michael Miller - I Made You Up
Laurie Larson - Endless Thank You Loop
Anton Barbeau - Bending Like a Spoon

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

13.07.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'The Dave and Chef Mike!'

This seems to have been a banner few months for the Tuesday Night Diner—I've gotten to meet so many great musicians from right here in California—and debut their music right here on the show, even before it's released to the public.

Dave Stephens is a Los Angeles-based singer / songwriter / producer / multiinstrumentalist. That's a whole lot of slashes, isn't it? But he deserves all those slashes, because he has all those talents!

Originally from British Columbia, Canada, he moved to L.A. several years ago to pursue his music career in the home of the American music industry. He released a couple of albums in the mid 2000's, and is currently working on his third, the forthcoming summer release “Time Will Tell”. He describes his sound as something like “Billy Joel fronting Queen”. I describe his sound as great pop music—mixing classic elements with his own style and take on things. Some softer sounds, and some power pop in the mix. His well-crafted songs deserve your attention, and Dave was nice enough to share three pre-releases with us this week. We had a nice chat, and we'll hear what inspires him.

If you happen to be in the Los Angeles area this Friday night, July 16th, you should try to catch his show at Trip in Santa Monica. This is the first time Dave's played live in a while, since he's been hard at work on this record. He'll have his full band with him too, so it won't just be the prototypical singer/songwriter sitting on the stool with an acoustic guitar. The man is prepared to rock the house, and to premiere the songs from his new album. Go there, say hi to The Dave, and tell him you heard him on Recharged Radio!

And just a quick program note—my show follows Rob One and the 20/20 Hip Hop show. Rob is on at 7:00 p.m. (GMT), then me at 8:00.

If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike


With Music From....

Dylan Walshe - Your Belly Not Mine
Chancellorpink - Chancellor Pink
Ricky Berger - Silly Boy, Goodnight
Black Mustangs - Now Is The Time
The Taters - Spend a Little Time With Me
Chad Neaves - Wonderful Day
The Clutter Family - Head
Katelyn Berreth - The First Time
Vegas With Randolph - Above The Blue
Nushu - Here's To Feeling Free
Winzenried - Ohio
Uncle Meat and the Highway Children - Long Gone Mobile
Baby Scream - Suddenly
Jimmy Catlett - Tell Me Another One
Man or Mouse - Jackson
Mad Tea Party - Blues Slip In
Laurie Biagini - You're A Dangerous Thing
Nelson Bragg - I Dare You (Show Me Love)
The Corner Laughers - For The Sake Of The Cat
Mark Bacino - Happy
Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend
50ft Woman - (Strictly) Only Swinging
Maple Mars - Citizen Roger
Kate Burkart - Cross The Street
Clockwise - All Over Your Face
Heiskell - Sick Of Nothing

Friday, July 9, 2010

07.09.10 Tuesday Night Diner: Boomchick and Bill Mumy!

So much new music this week, I'm almost embarrassed. Well, not really. I don't embarrass that easily. In reality, I'm honored and thrilled that it found its way to me, and that you now get to hear it too. Suzanne Benorden has been on my radar for a few years now. The Eugene, Oregon singer/songwriter just released a brand new album with the band she leads, Boomchick. The album is called Joyland, and it's been described as “punkabilly rock”, and compared with PJ Harvey, White Stripes, Dinosaur Jr., and more. Personally, I hear a bit of early Liz Phair, but with a wider world view. While Liz was righteously angry at the superficial guys who done her wrong, Suzanne is righteously angry at the countries who are building empires by forcing themselves on other countries. There's songs about familial estrangement—the parents missing out on their grandkids growing up, because they see their own kids as black sheep. And there's some fun too. Joyland itself is a legendary amusement park in her hometown of Wichita, Kansas, and the title track brings back great childhood memories. Oh yeah—and it rocks too! http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/BOOMCHICK Bill Mumy is a legendary American actor. He started his career as a child, and you probably know him from his role in the television series “Lost In Space”, or in THAT episode of Twilight Zone—you know, where all the adults ran scared of his supernatural powers. He's been in countless other television series, notably Babylon 5. But we can't see any of that on the radio—here at Recharged Radio, we're all about the music. And oh yes, Bill's done lots of that too. Back in the 1970's and 1980's, he was half of the novelty musical duo Barnes and Barnes, and serenaded my teenage years with such songs as Fish Heads and Party in my Pants. I recently had the opportunity to connect the dots. As silly and amusing as the Barnes and Barnes songs were, I didn't realize until now that they were created by this versatile artist. Fast forward to last week. I just received his brand new release, Glorious In Defeat. It's a great blues album. Top notch songwriting, playing, and singing. Bill has a rough-hewn bluesy voice which breathes just the right amount of emotion and authenticity into this baker's dozen of songs. Glorious In Defeat takes a look at today's world, and reports back to us in the form of musical narratives. http://www.billmumy.com/mumy/main.htm Program note: Fiona Ledgard's Anything Goes Evening Show follows the Tuesday Night Diner this week. It's a wonderfully eclectic mix of interviews, live sessions, ambient field sounds, and recorded tracks. Don't miss it! If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at) rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00- 10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio— www.rechargedradio.com.
This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com. See you then! Chef Mike
With music from: The Cellophane Flowers - Yes I Am Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend Baby Scream - Away Clockwise - You Really Got Me Goin' Raistalla - Long Way Bill Mumy - Rely On That Black Candy Store - Back To The Wall Onward Chariots - Seven Miles Away Maple Mars - Beautiful Mess Sweet Sweet Concorde - Armadillo Man The Taters - That's Me Adrian Bourgeois - Clown Review Jespa - Loves Lost Tourists - Church of Steve Honest session Corner Laughers - The Red Queen The Big I Am - Better Days Masternova - Sounds Nelson Bragg - Tell Me I'm Wrong Buzz Radio - Don't You Make A Fool Out Of Me The Clutter Family - Head The Shindig Addicts - Not Long Now Soundserif - John Titor or the Time Traveler Boomchick - Joyland Rose Reiter - Where You Are Nathan Brooks - Change Rich McCulley - Tell Me, I'm Listening Laurie Larson - Endless Thank You Loop Nushu - So Long (Maybe) Chad Neaves - You Said Amanda Abizaid - This Life Handcuffs - Half A Mind Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone Anny Celsi - First Love Freezes mike(at)rechargedradio.com MN2BDNC

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

06.07.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'Pure Pop Bliss!'

Well, over here in the States, we just had our 4th of July holiday weekend. In my neighborhood, we celebrated by having a big, old fashioned block party. We had music, fireworks, and your own Chef Mike cooking for the masses as part of a four man, five grill barbecue crew. As the proprietor of the Tuesday Night Diner, I take my duties very seriously!
On the music front, I discovered a couple of new dishes this very same weekend, and I'm going to serve them to you on this week's show. These two artists represent different strains of what I like to call “pure pop bliss”. It's music so good and infectious, you just want to share it with the entire world. Luckily, Recharged Radio allows me to do just this!
Nelson Bragg is a singer/songwriter who has made his mark on the Los Angeles melodic pop scene over the past decade, since relocating from Massachusetts. He's played with many great bands there, and is a superb composer and arranger. Oh, and by the way—guess what his current job is? He's the drummer/percussionist for Brian Wilson's band. Yes, that Brian Wilson. God only knows how I didn't become acquainted with him until now, but I'm thrilled that his label, SideB Music, was kind enough to reach out and put this great music into my hands. We're going to hear a song off of his Day Into Night album that is complete ear candy. Beautiful, soaring high harmonies. Jangly guitars. A tasty steel guitar bridge. And a melody that will stay in your head throughout the work day and make you want to get off early and jump in the convertible (and if you don't have one, any nearby convertible will do!) and ride down PCH (Pacific Coast Highway to those of you unfamiliar with California) with the wind in your hair, and the sun off to the west, over the water. Damn, I want to hear it again right now!
Clockwise is a four man Canadian band who traffic in the power pop end of the pop spectrum. It's also pure bliss, but in the faster, heavier mold. They've been around for a while, but again, it took Jason, their astute PR person, to slap me around and wake me up to what I've been missing. These guys had my vote when I checked out their MySpace page and found that their influences include “Elvis—both of them”. They've put out three albums in the last decade. They're veterans of several International Pop Overthrow festivals, so you know they've been road tested and approved. The track we're going to hear on the show sounds like something from the heyday of artists like Elvis Costello and Graham Parker. It too will come in handy during your work day. If you can't get away from your desk for a coffee break, just put on some Clockwise. You won't need the caffeine—these guys will jolt you and keep you moving.
And just a quick program note—we have a full schedule this Tuesday—starting with Rob One and the 20/20 Hip Hop show before me at 7:00 p.m. (GMT), and Fiona Ledgard and the Anything Goes Evening Show after me at 10:00 p.m. (GMT). It should be a fun night!
If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.

This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!
Chef Mike


With Music From.....

Soundserif - John Titor or the Time Traveler 
Nelson Bragg - Forever Days 
Tippy Canoe & The Paddlemen - Mass Transmissions 
Joe Swidenbank - Happy On My Own 
Onward Chariots - Seven Miles Away 
Fake Teak – Steve Honest Session:  Castaway 
Nushu - So Long (Maybe) 
Terese Taylor - I'm Here 
Maple Mars - Big Imagination 
Field - Saturday Soldier 
Chad Neaves - You Said 
Nacional - Telephone 
Beth Thornley - You're So Pony 
Kate Burkart - The High Road 
Clockwise - Rich And Famous 
The Decibels - Overcast Day 
Kat Jones - Those Expensive Eyes 
Allyson Seconds - If I Could Bring You Trouble 
Cy Taggart - Cut It Out 
Benson Klemme - Oceans Apart 
Sparklejet - The Comeback 
Adrian Bourgeois - My House 
Maxi Dunn - How Was I To Know 
Amnesiac Syndrome - Not Tired 
The Taters - Wolfman Told Me Tonight 
Ricky Berger - If 
Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone 
50ft Woman - Ultra Violet 
Todd Dillingham - Crimson Spires 
The Corner Laughers - Stonewords 
The Big I Am - Tongue Tied 
The Clutter Family - Moe Howard 
The Small Change - Droppin' Petals On The Way Down