Tuesday, October 9, 2012

09.10.12 California Diner - 'California is not New York'

The California Diner brings you some of the finest American indie music available. Chef Mike Lidskin serves up these musical treats from his home base of Sacramento, California.

The Artist & Me - Faded Giants
Kat Jones - The Night Is A Veil
Lannie Flowers - Give Me a Chance
Rose Reiter - Where You Are
Kevin Seconds - The Elements And You
Poplord - Save the Monkey
Lindy LaFontaine - Harmonics
Dead Heart Bloom - Sentimental Cures
Vegas With Randolph - She Does It For Me
The Corner Laughers - (Now That I Have You I'm) Bored
Jimmy Catlett - The Big Beat
The Handcuffs - Baby I Love You
Nelson Bragg - Steel Derrick 1979
Emily Zuzik & Tim Lefebvre - E-Vill
Duncan Faure - In The Right Place
Ricky Berger - Silly Boy, Goodnight

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