Tuesday, July 19, 2011

19.07.11 California Diner - 'A Midsummer Night’s Scheme!'

Don’t worry, I’m not gonna get all Shakespeare on ya! I just needed a good pun to kick off this week’s blog. And yeah, it is more or less midsummer. We’ve been enjoying glorious days of blue skies and warm sunshine, and late nights of cool breezes here in Northern California. What we here in America refer to as “perfection”! I’ve been scheming to put together the perfect soundtrack for you this week. And this week’s show has some great new debuts that are going to sound great screaming out of your speakers. And after that, they’ll sound even better blowing holes in your ears as you blast the podcast from your MP3 player. Catholic Spray is a self described “Christian Rap/Surf/Thrash” band from Paris, France. We’re going to play an obnoxiously loud, nasty track of theirs that sounds like surf music from hell. And I mean that in the best possible way. It rocks. Your world and mine. It’s incredible, and we’ll set the stage by leading off the show with it. www.myspace.com/catholicspray The Handcuffs have been a favorite of ours since before we started the California Diner. (Yes, your Chef Mike does have a past!) And because principal songwriters Chloe F. Orwell and Brad Elvis are such good friends of the show, they’ve honored me by sending me an advance copy of their third album, “Waiting For The Robot”. And that’s great news for you too. The album doesn’t officially release until September 6th--but the Chicago-based band, which includes Emily Togni, Ellis Clark, and Alison Hinderliter, want me to rock your summer with their music. And it’s a good one--elements of glam and straight up rock are fueled by Chloe’s energetic, take no prisoners persona and Brad’s crackling, pounding beats. Where you gonna be on September 6th? Buying Waiting For The Robot, by The Handcuffs, of course! www.thehandcuffs.com Finally, the last piece of my scheme to make your week a better place is here. New music for Recharged Radio from Cincinnati, Ohio musician Peter Mayer. Peter contacted us, and was wondering if there’d be any room for his stuff on our airwaves. The rest is history. His guitar chops and songwriting blew me away. We’ve definitely made room for Peter Mayer on the California Diner ,as we debut a quirky little tune of his. www.petermayermusic.net If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com. This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com. See you then! Chef Mike mike(at)rechargedradio.com MN2BDNC Catholic Spray - Captain Wolf The Handcuffs - Miss You on Tuesday Maxi Dunn - You Took The Sunshine From My Heart Onward Chariots - Seven Miles Away Bill Mumy - Can't Complain The Smith Bros - Kerrie Anne William Cleere and the Marvelous Fellas - Labor Day June & The Exit Wounds - How Much I Really Loved you M.A.D.I.S.O.N. - If You Want Me To Blake Jones & The Trike Shop - Sun Up Raistalla - Supermodel The Ks - Little Plaything Anny Celsi - Tangle-Free World Winzenried - Ohio Allyson Seconds - Bag Of Kittens Vegas With Randolph - The Better Part Teina Anthony - A Natural Life Anton Barbeau - Doctor Don't Chop My Knee Mama, Ouch Is Another Word Rob Swanson - Oh No! Mad Mush - Silent Snowfall Sound Sessions - Be My Shaper Peter Mayer - It's Just The Energy The Scratch - I Relax To Spiral Scratch Dead Heart Bloom - Sentimental Cures Lindy LaFontaine (with Kyro) - Haunted Kamp David - Red Hotel Laurie Biagini - My Little SUV The Whiskey Saints - Eastbound Joseph Swidenbank - Empty Handed The Big I Am - Better Days Isaac's Aircraft - My Baby Did Me Wrong Tom Alford - What Could Have Been Mad Tea Party - Found A Reason

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