Tuesday, December 28, 2010

28.12.10 Califorinia Diner - 'Almost New Years 2011!'

Well, here it is. The last show of 2010. Not much to say, except that it's been a great ride. My friends at Recharged Radio have let me get away with playing all these fantastic artists throughout the year, and hardly raised an eyebrow. And luckily, you listeners haven't turned me in yet. I mean, the variety of music that I get to play is so interesting, it should almost be illegal!

So let's just keep this thing under wraps for another year, shall we? Just our little secret. We'll be seeing 2010 out with a bang, as we play new tracks from the likes of Anton Barbeau, Debora Iyall, Emily Zuzik, and Miami Dan and the Hayes Street Band. Plus lots of other favorites that made 2010 the great year that it was.

And finally, thanks so much for listening during 2010. I've had fun, and I've got even bigger and more fun surprises planned for you in 2011. Catch you on the other side!

If you'd like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at)rechargedradio.com. If you'd like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you'd like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the California Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—www.rechargedradio.com.
This note also appears in the News section on the home page of RechargedRadio.com.

See you then!

Chef Mike

Karim Fanous - So Long Jenny J 
Maple Mars - The Excursion 
The Britannicas - Don't Go Back 
Maxi Dunn - How Was I To Know 
Jerzey Street Band - Pale Blue River 
Joseph Swidenbank - Coming Up For Air 
Imani Hekima - Nothing's What It Seems 
The Mike Brown Band - Pay 
The Big I Am - Right About Now 
Emily Zuzik - This Time Around 
Twyman/Baird - Repeat Of Tomorrow 
The Corner Laughers - Stonewords 
New Disorder - Sick Feeling As You 
Nelson Bragg - I Dare You (Show Me Love) 
Tangent Sunset - Way Down 
Thinking For Tuesday - Girl In The Red Dress Too 
The Ks - 13 Steps 
50ft Woman - Ice Cream Man 
Tom Alford - Wasp Lands On Sunflower 
Lindy LaFontaine - I Do 
Bill Mumy - I Changed My Mind 
Baby Scream - The Ghost Of Valerie 
Miami Dan and the Hayes Street Band - She Was In Love 
Boomchick - Joyland 
Sparklejet - Let's Behind That Place 
Sarah Taylor - Bad Medicine 
Debora Iyall - Stay Strong 
Anton Barbeau - Fuzzchild 
Blake Jones & The Trike Shop - Forestiere Gardens 
Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone 

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