Wednesday, January 13, 2010

12.01.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'The Night of the Ukuleles'

Playlist for the Tuesday Night Diner is as follows

The Corner Laughers - Stonewords
Mad Tea Party - Big Noise From Krekel
Jimmy Catlett - That River
Joseph Swidenbank - Empty Handed
Field - I'm the Enforcer
Heiskell - Sick Of Nothing
Dom Veron - Let Me Be
Tippy Canoe & The Paddlemen - Mass Transmissions
Thinking For Tuesday - Girl In The Red Dress Too
The Taters - Such A Good Day
Jointpop - Please Don't Tell My Inlaws...I'm An Outlaw
Chariots of Tuna - War Hero
Handcuffs - Half A Mind
Soundserif - John Titor
50ft Woman - Ice Cream Man
Little Guilt Shrine - One Two
Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone
Two Sheds Jackson - Gettin High
Terese Taylor - I'm Here
Cy Taggart - Cut It Out
Hail The Size - I Can't Die In L.A.
Goodfinger - Said and Done
The Furbelows – Pleasure Machine
Kaz Murphy - Midnight Fire
Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend
Tom Alford - Strawberry Robot
The Decibels - Encouraging
Kama Linden - All About
Rich McCulley - Far From My Angel

I`ve noticed that I live in California, and many of you don`t, for various reasons too numerous to explain here. You`ve also probably noticed that you listen to Tuesday Night Diner here on Recharged Radio, mainly because I haven`t been able to fly you all out to Sacramento each week, where we could just listen to all this great music together in the same room. (It`s not that I don`t want to—the finances just don`t permit it—yet!)

So what`s the next best thing? How about if I grant you an honorary California citizenship? That`s a new thing I`m starting up on the show. Just drop me an email at mike(at), and let me know your name—I`ll say it on the air, and put it on the beautiful, hand-engraved PDF file that I`ll email back to you. This certificate may not be valid in most places, but you`ll be an honorary California citizen as far as Tuesday Night Diner is concerned!

Music. Ah yes, the reason why Recharged Radio exists. What a great show we have to start off 2010 with. It`s the Night of the Ukuleles—featuring songs by three different bands led by female ukulele players. We`ll hear my new favorite band the Corner Laughers, from San Francisco. There`s Mad Tea Party from North Carolina. And finally, Tippy Canoe and the Paddlemen, from Oakland, California. Three different style of music—but all very cool.

More about those Corner Laughers. I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Karla, Angela, Khoi and Charlie, plus fifth Laugher KC, about a week ago when they came through Sacramento. These guys and gals are going to be big—and they`ll be regular fixtures on TND as long as they`ll let me play their music. What do they sound like? Picture alternative rock/pop (the good, early 90`s kind), with perfect female harmonies and zoomy guitars—throw in a tasteful, rockin` ukulele for good measure, and you`ve got it! We`ll talk more about them next week, because that`s when you`ll get to hear our conversation!

Who else? Joseph Swidenbank, The Taters, Dom Veron, Field, Karim Fanous, Terese Taylor. Did I just give too much away?

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