Thursday, January 28, 2010

26.01.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'Seven Days Makes One Weak'

Sometimes, you put a playlist together, and the theme writes itself. Honest, I didn`t plan this, but as I got into the show, I found out that I had several songs which had days of the week as their titles, the band`s name, or hidden somewhere in the lyrics themselves. Weird, and kinda nerdy...but good.

But not to worry—this week`s show has much more going for it than just that. Jordan flew Isaac`s Aircraft all the way here to Sacramento for a great Bands in the Basement session. He speaks with Martin and Zak about their recent tour to Germany, and in true Tuesday Night Diner fashion, they mention food at German weddings—yum! And we`ll hear one of their recent tracks, as well.

Speaking of California—and even if we weren`t, we are now—another lucky person gets an honorary California citizenship bestowed on them. Not only that, but she requested her own version of climate change, and I happily complied. Huh? Well, you`ll just have to tune in to find out.

Finally—more musical goodness coming out of Northern California. When it rains, it pours—both literally and figuratively. A couple of legendary Sacramento musicians—Anton Barbeau and Allyson Seconds—are making their Tuesday Night Diner debuts with songs off of their new albums. We Sacramentans can't keep Anton all to ourselves—so he makes his home in the UK most of the year. We just request to have visitation rights with him once a year, and I got to meet with him and Allyson a few days ago. If you like Robyn Hitchcock, you'll probably feel a kinship with Anton. Allyson just completed a great pop project called Bag of Kittens, and the Go National guitarist and background vocalist steps up to the microphone and takes the lead for the first time in her career. All I can say is, “it's about time!”

Playlist is as follows :

Splitsville – Pretty People
Allyson Seconds - Bag Of Kittens
Jimmy Catlett - Falling Up
Sarah Stanley - Tuesday Girl
June & The Exit Wounds - Cathy Dennis
Imani Hekima - Nothing's What It Seems
The Corner Laughers - For The Sake Of The Cat
Field - Saturday Soldier
Mad Tea Party - I Never Was A Cool One
The Taters - Fun At Home
Maxi Dunn - Don't Look Back
Allen - Hold Me Tight
Sparklejet - Let's Behind That Place

Bands in the Basement: Isaac's Aircraft

Domus - Algoritmo
Jesus H Christ & The Four Hornsmen of The Apocalypse - I'm Around
Thinking For Tuesday - Falling
Handcuffs - Wonderful Life
Chad Neaves - Wonderful Day
Tom Alford - Strawberry Robot
Laurie Biagini - Doin' Nothing At All
Little Guilt Shrine - Exit Flagger
Jointpop - Monday Morning Love Situation
Anton Barbeau - Plastic Guitar
Goodfinger - Sounds Of The City
Karim Fanous - Thin Bits
Chancellorpink - Muster
Katelyn Berreth - The Reason I Am Lonely Cha Cha Cha
Kaz Murphy - Hardly Think About That
The Pilgrims - Whole Level Down
The Ks - 13 Steps

Friday, January 22, 2010

19.01.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'Laughing in the Corner'

So here it is. The first ever band interview here on Tuesday Night Diner. I went all the way out to beautiful California to meet the Corner Laughers. Oh wait—I live in California—so I guess the journey to the Golden State is not that impressive. But you want to talk impressive—let`s talk about the Corner Laughers.

I caught up with Karla, Angela, Khoi, Charlie, and the Fifth Laugher, KC Bowman, at a Starbucks in Midtown Sacramento on a recent Saturday night. I hadn`t met this upbeat pop-alternative band before, and where did I find them? In the corner, of course! We killed some time and some coffee in anticipation of their first ever Sacramento gig, opening for the legendary Sacramento/UK (sound familiar?) singer-songwriter Anton Barbeau.

We overcame such obstacles as loud baristas and their even louder coffee grinding machines, to bring you this one of a kind, hard-hitting, in the trenches look at life on the road for the Corner Laughers. Okay, truth be known, it`s only about a 90 minute drive from their hometown of San Francisco to Sacramento, and they all seemed to get along pretty well, so there`s really no controversy there. But it was really great to find out what makes them tick, and how they survived the transition from a shy studio recording act to a live, International Pop Overthrow sensation. We`ll also hear about how they signed to John Wesley Harding`s Popover Corps label. But don`t worry—the creamy filling of this conversation is held together by two crisp songs off of their recent release, Ultraviolet Garden.

This is also the show where we start bestowing honorary California citizenships on two lucky, or at least attentive, listeners. That`s right—you too can become an honorary California citizen. Just drop me a line at mike(at), and I can make it happen. You`ll receive a beautifully handcrafted PDF file certificate, delivered via express email, right to the inbox of your choosing. You`ll hear these two get their awards on the show—and you should join them too!

Playlist is as follows :

Ohio - Winzenried
Raistalla - Good Work
Rob Bonfiglio - Nothing Will Hold You Down
Tom Alford - Shiloh
Terese Taylor - Hermit
Maxi Dunn - How Was I To Know?
Joseph Swidenbank - What Did You Want?
Jeff Merchant - Love Yourself Away
Stonewords – The Corner Laughers
Corner Laughers Interview
Shrine of the Martyred Saint – The Corner Laughers
Laurie Larson - Endless Thank You Loop
Hail The Size - Crazy Girl
Karim Fanous - Architect's Son
Handcuffs - Resurrection
Soundserif - King Of The Night
The Taters - Wolfman Told Me Tonight
Kat Jones - Those Expensive Eyes
Laurie Biagini - Rockin My World Like You Only Know How
Skip Heller - I Used To Love California
Field - Girls Will Love Your Lips
Boomchick - Operation Imperialism
Dandelion Killers - Disney Eyes
Jimmy Catlett - Ransom
The Scratch - Teen Idol
Jesus H. Christ and the Four Hornsmen of the Apocalypse - LizTheHotReceptionist
Chariots of Tuna - War Hero

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

12.01.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'The Night of the Ukuleles'

Playlist for the Tuesday Night Diner is as follows

The Corner Laughers - Stonewords
Mad Tea Party - Big Noise From Krekel
Jimmy Catlett - That River
Joseph Swidenbank - Empty Handed
Field - I'm the Enforcer
Heiskell - Sick Of Nothing
Dom Veron - Let Me Be
Tippy Canoe & The Paddlemen - Mass Transmissions
Thinking For Tuesday - Girl In The Red Dress Too
The Taters - Such A Good Day
Jointpop - Please Don't Tell My Inlaws...I'm An Outlaw
Chariots of Tuna - War Hero
Handcuffs - Half A Mind
Soundserif - John Titor
50ft Woman - Ice Cream Man
Little Guilt Shrine - One Two
Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone
Two Sheds Jackson - Gettin High
Terese Taylor - I'm Here
Cy Taggart - Cut It Out
Hail The Size - I Can't Die In L.A.
Goodfinger - Said and Done
The Furbelows – Pleasure Machine
Kaz Murphy - Midnight Fire
Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend
Tom Alford - Strawberry Robot
The Decibels - Encouraging
Kama Linden - All About
Rich McCulley - Far From My Angel

I`ve noticed that I live in California, and many of you don`t, for various reasons too numerous to explain here. You`ve also probably noticed that you listen to Tuesday Night Diner here on Recharged Radio, mainly because I haven`t been able to fly you all out to Sacramento each week, where we could just listen to all this great music together in the same room. (It`s not that I don`t want to—the finances just don`t permit it—yet!)

So what`s the next best thing? How about if I grant you an honorary California citizenship? That`s a new thing I`m starting up on the show. Just drop me an email at mike(at), and let me know your name—I`ll say it on the air, and put it on the beautiful, hand-engraved PDF file that I`ll email back to you. This certificate may not be valid in most places, but you`ll be an honorary California citizen as far as Tuesday Night Diner is concerned!

Music. Ah yes, the reason why Recharged Radio exists. What a great show we have to start off 2010 with. It`s the Night of the Ukuleles—featuring songs by three different bands led by female ukulele players. We`ll hear my new favorite band the Corner Laughers, from San Francisco. There`s Mad Tea Party from North Carolina. And finally, Tippy Canoe and the Paddlemen, from Oakland, California. Three different style of music—but all very cool.

More about those Corner Laughers. I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Karla, Angela, Khoi and Charlie, plus fifth Laugher KC, about a week ago when they came through Sacramento. These guys and gals are going to be big—and they`ll be regular fixtures on TND as long as they`ll let me play their music. What do they sound like? Picture alternative rock/pop (the good, early 90`s kind), with perfect female harmonies and zoomy guitars—throw in a tasteful, rockin` ukulele for good measure, and you`ve got it! We`ll talk more about them next week, because that`s when you`ll get to hear our conversation!

Who else? Joseph Swidenbank, The Taters, Dom Veron, Field, Karim Fanous, Terese Taylor. Did I just give too much away?