Friday, November 27, 2009

17.11.09 The Tuesday Night Diner

Well, it seemed like last week`s inaugural edition of Tuesday Night Diner was a huge success--or at least not a rousing failure, as evidenced by the fact that no one has kicked me out on my posterior!

So with that in mind, I get to keep going. And I`ve got a great selection of tuneage for you this week, ranging from rock to blues to ukebilly, and more. Ukebilly? Well, you`ll just have to tune in to find out more about this compelling musical genre, as practised (note the excellent British spelling--not bad for a lad from California, eh?) by Mad Tea Party. You`ll also hear Maxi Dunn, Chancellorpink, and brand new music from one of my very favorite (American spelling, to prove I`m bilingual) bands, The Taters, from Richmond, Virginia.

And just who do I think I am to be spending two hours of your valuable Tuesday night with you? Why, I`m Chef Mike, proprietor of the Tuesday Night Diner! And I hope you`ll join me, every Tuesday night, from 8:00-10:00 p.m., as I serve you tasty musical morsels. Hope to see you there!

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