Wednesday, April 28, 2010

27.04.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'TND Turns 21'

What a milestone—the Tuesday Night Diner turns 21 this week! (21 episodes of age, that is.)

Here in the United States, 21 is the legal age for such adult-type activities as drinking and gambling. So how should we celebrate such an auspicious occasion? Are we going to take Tuesday Night Diner to Las Vegas, buy it a drink, take it to dinner and a show, and then help it squander all of its money away in a casino?

As intellectual and uplifting as all that sounds, I think we`d better just stick to what we know best—loading you up with some of the finest indie music available today.

Joey Oskys is a singer-songwriter from London. His firsthand human experiences come through in his songwriting. This week, however, he`s going to let the guitar do all the talking. We`ve got an incredibly expressive instrumental that really should be considered for placement in TV or the movies. I`m thinking specifically that the American television series House (featuring British actor Hugh Laurie, doing a perfect American accent) would be the perfect vehicle for this track. I`d love to see if you agree.

After a dry spell of several weeks, someone`s finally asked old Chef Mike for a request. This means that Waitress Shirley will finally get to say “Can I take your order, Hon”! My friend Rob in Colorado asked for a track by an amazing young vocalist, Katelyn Berreth, and there`s always room for her in the mix. She moves effortlessly between pop and jazz sounds, with a rich, seasoned voice that`s much more polished and mature than the 19 years of age she was when she recorded the track we`ll hear this week.

We`re going to hear the first of many live sessions recorded at the Church of Steve Honest! Legendary impresario Steve Honest has kindly agreed to record live sessions with all sorts of great musicians for us at Recharged Radio. The first one I`m going to play for you this week involved Fake Teak. Don`t miss it—it`s truly worth a listen. Can I get a witness?

And finally—the moment you`ve been waiting for: Fiona Ledgard`s Anything Goes Evening Show—following immediately after Tuesday Night Diner. Last week, I got so excited about her show that I announced that she`d be on that night. Silly me—she`s on fortnightly. This is the week that she`s on, and her show`s well worth the wait. She has interviews with musicians, artists, and filmmakers. She plays great music. All in one hour—talk about efficiency—I`m not sure how she squeezes it all in—perhaps she uses some secret algorithm to mess with the space-time continuum!

If you`d like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at) If you`d like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you`d like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), 12:00-2:00 p.m. Pacific, only at Recharged Radio—

See you then!

Chef Mike

With Music From.........

Karim Fanous - Thin Bits

Mad Tea Party - Everyway

Goodfinger - Sounds Of The City

Go National - NYC

Jimmy Catlett - Ransom

Sarah Stanley - Not Gonna Leave

Life In Film - Get Closer

Nushu - So Long (Maybe)

Rob Bonfiglio - Blow Me Away

Domus - Es Mi Ola

Little Guilt Shrine - What I'm Thinking

Kids Love Lies - Stars

Mark Bacino - Queens English

Katelyn Berreth - The First Time

Onward Chariots - Seven Miles Away

Retriever - Lion

Anton Barbeau - Bending Like a Spoon

Laurie Biagini - Another Old Lazy Lyin' On the Beach Afternoon

Heiskell - Sick Of Nothing

Joey Oskys - Within

Maple Mars - Borrowed Sunshine

Beth Thornley - You're So Pony

Fake Teak - Church of Steve Honest session - Post Office Tower

Corner Laughers - You Two Are The Ones

The Taters - Spend a Little Time With Me

Model Society - Lux

Maxi Dunn - How Was I To Know

Tom Alford - Shiloh

Kate Burkart - The High Road

Joseph Swidenbank - Empty Handed

Boomchick - Operation Imperialism

Kaz Murphy - Below The Skin

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20.04.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'How Can You Have Any Pudding If You Don`t Eat Your Meat?!'

Being a diner, albeit a musical one, I`m always interested in providing you with a well-balanced meal. And as the evil headmaster at the end of a certain Pink Floyd song once rhetorically asked, “how can you have any pudding if you don`t eat your meat?!” That was pretty traumatic for me, and I`m sure it stunted the growth of a generation or two.

But we are pretty much going to take it in that order this week. The appetizer is indeed meat: Uncle Meat and the Highway Children. They get my award for best band name I`ve heard in a long while, but don`t let the name scare you off. The track we`re going to play is a nice, folkie but driving tune.

Of course, we`re going to save room for dessert, and nothing finishes off a meal better than an ice cream sundae. However, we`re going to spell it “Sunday” this week, and I`ll just let you know that it`s sung by one of the finest vocalists to hit these shores in a long while: Field. And pick your shore—any shore will do—he`s just that good! (I normally don`t like to give away which tracks I`m playing, but it`s the only way to make this analogy work.)

But what comes in between the appetizer and dessert? Well, some of the other tasty morsels on our plate this week include The Taters, from Richmond, Virginia. We`ve been playing a lot of tracks from their current release, Menagerie. But this week, we`ve rummaged through the back room of the Tuesday Night Diner to find a track off of one of their earlier albums. I`m sure Craig and Brad won`t mind me playing an older cut, at least just this once.

Keeping the bands with food-related names theme going, we`ll also feature another track by Los Angeles-based Maple Mars, off their brand new album Galaxyland. Rick Hromadka`s really put together a psychedelic masterpiece, and I`m looking forward to serving a piece up for you!

And finally, perhaps you`d rather have a slightly different dessert—perhaps a good old-fashioned banana split. Splitsville is a terrific power pop band from Baltimore, Maryland who`ve been around for about a decade, and put out a definitive compilation album called “Let`s Go: The Best of Splitsville”, which culls the best tracks from their five albums. Lots of gems clocking in at around 2:30 or under, which is how they`ve managed to stuff 25 tracks onto a single disc.

So that`s this week`s meal. High in calories, high in good taste!

If you`d like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at) If you`d like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you`d like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), only at Recharged Radio—

See you then!

Chef Mike


Beth Thornley - Wash U Clean

Uncle Meat and the Highway Children - Long Gone Mobile

Chad Neaves - Something In My Soul

The Small Change - Droppin' Petals On The Way Down

Hail The Size - Drift Away

Sparklejet - The Comeback

Rich McCulley - The Last Song

Dirty Amps - Fingertips

Maple Mars - The Excursion

Baby Scream - Morning Light

Terese Taylor - Hermit

Joseph Swidenbank - Coming Up For Air

The Taters - Right B4 My Eyes

Onward Chariots - War Hero

Laurie Biagini - Crazy People on the Internet

Laurie Larson - Obliquity

Nushu - Another Rainy Weekend

Soundserif - King Of The Night

Kaz Murphy - Killin' Wheel

June & The Exit Wounds - Cathy Dennis

The Corner Laughers - For The Sake Of The Cat

The Complete Short Stories - One Blank Channel

Allen - Hold Me Tight

Splitsville - The Kids Who Kill For Sugar

Rob Swanson - Pony Girl

Buzz Radio - Don't You Make A Fool Out Of Me

Kate Burkart - Cross The Street

Heiskell - The Chubby Guy Song

Allyson Seconds - Tie My Laces

Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend

Field - Sunday

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

13.04.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'Jealous I can`t be at the Awards Show!'

We`re holding the first ever Recharged Radio Awards show this Thursday night, April 15th, in London, at 93ft East! And I can`t go. Well, it`s not like I wasn`t invited. I`ve been invited to all the Recharged events. My good colleagues and mates at the station see to that. However, back in the day, there used to be a saying for people like me. I am G.U.--geographically undesirable! You see, I live in Northern California, over 5,000 miles away from 93ft East. Yes, yes, I know that air travel has been around since 1903. And yes, it has caught on here. But since I can`t make it, I`m gonna sit around and jealously sulk in my room.

Okay, not really. I`m gonna celebrate this really cool thing we`re doing by playing some great music, including three of the bands who were nominated as “Best International Act”. This award completely amuses me, because these three bands are American, which I guess makes me “international” too!. Here, I`m just a regular, boring kind of guy—I speak the same as everybody else around me. But in London—I`m some International Man of Mystery—or at least a Foreigner of Curiosity.

So the three bands of which I speak are The Taters, from Richmond, Virginia—touring on the strength of their recent “Menagerie” release, Mad Tea Party, from Asheville, North Carolina, who put out the very fun “Found A Reason” a while back, and have since put out some Eps, and Field, aka Spencer Berger, who hails from Los Angeles, California, and is about to release his (sure to be) stunning debut, “Be Brave”. Good luck to all. I`d tell you the winner, but I can`t—it`s not even that I`m sworn to secrecy, but as of this writing, I literally don`t know! Exciting!

Sometimes, unexpectedly good things happen to you. The one that happened to me most recently was the band Nushu! One day, at the end of March, I checked my inbox at the radio station, and found a copy of their brand new release “Hula”! I`d heard of Nushu for over a year, but didn`t really become a fan until that day. Lisa Mychols and Hillary Burton are the principals of the band, and if you like summery, upbeat pop, ala the Go-Go`s (after they learned to play their instruments), then you`re going to love the songs that these two talented ladies have crafted for you.

The album cover sets the tone. Several pictures of Lisa and Hillary wearing bright Hawaiian dresses, in a red convertible, with Waikiki Beach scenery whizzing by in most of the shots. There`s another shot of them racing by the Hollywood sign, and a shot of the car parked and a guitar, bass, and bongos lying on the back deck. Fun! And the music won me over on the very first listen. I listened to the entire disc in its entirety on the drive home that day, and I am a believer in Nushu. If there`s anything that`s going to make your spring and summer come alive, it`s this album. Play it at your pool parties, in your convertible, and especially at your desk at work, where you`ll probably need an occasional blast of fun! I`m now a hardcore fan, so I`ll be playing one of their tracks on this week`s show.

Seriously, if you`re in London this Thursday, do try to attend the Recharged Radio Awards show. We`re giving away some great free stuff—goodie bags and whatever else we can think of. And live performances by The Scratch, Fearless Vampire Killers, and Fake Teak—I can`t think of a better way to spend an evening.

If you`d like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at) If you`d like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you`d like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), only at Recharged Radio—

See you then!

Chef Mike

hancellorpink - Muster 
The Complete Short Stories - One Blank Channel 
Joseph Swidenbank - Scattered 
Jeff Merchant - Children of Light 
Heiskell - Sick Of Nothing 
Kaz Murphy - Midnight Fire 
Laurie Larson - Endless Thank You Loop 
Field - Saturday Soldier 
Mark Bacino - Queens English 
Kate Burkart - Better Then 
The Taters - Such A Good Day 
Katelyn Berreth - The Reason I Am Lonely Cha Cha Cha 
Soundserif - John Titor 
Jesus H Christ & The Four Hornsmen of The Apocalypse - I'm Around 
Yours Til Death - Cut And Paste 
Michael Miller - Sweetness 
Kat Jones - Those Expensive Eyes 
Rich McCulley - Just a Few Miles To Go 
Maxi Dunn - Pull You Down 
Nushu - Your Girl 
Baby Scream - Walls Crumbling Down 
50ft Woman - Ultra Violet 
Maple Mars - Big Imagination 
Laurie Biagini - Leave Me Alone 
Dave Stephens - Alive 
Anton Barbeau - Bending Like a Spoon 
Hoonose - Stealth Tax! 
The Corner Laughers - Space Echo 
Allyson Seconds - Obviously Love 
Chad Neaves - You Said 
Tom Alford - Wasp Lands On Sunflower 
Mad Tea Party - Blues Slip In 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

06.04.10 Tuesday Night Diner - 'Tom Alford Giveaway!'

Well, perhaps I should rephrase that—I`m not so sure that Mrs. Alford would agree to a Tom Alford giveaway. So let`s call it a Tom Alford CD giveaway!

A few weeks back, I had a show called “Giving Away Stuff”. San Francisco Bay Area singer-songwriter Tom Alford was so amused by the concept, he said to me, “how about you give away some Tommy Alford CD`s?” Hey—this sounds to me like he`s doing us a huge favor, so here`s the deal.

Tom released a CD last year called Second Foundation. Unbelievably good pop gems—old school twang meets alternative, and spends the summer in Northern California outside splashing around in the pool! This sound, and fine collection of songs, earned Tom a Twirlie Award nomination for Album of the Year.

So if I were you, I`d listen to this week`s Tuesday Night Diner, because we`re giving away a copy of this disc—sent to you directly by Tom himself! Don`t worry, you don`t have to study anything. Just listen to the show, and when the time comes, I`ll tell you what to do, and one of you will score Second Foundation!

Tuesday night has always been a pretty big deal to me. A decade ago, I used to frequent the Tuesday night open mike nights at the old Capitol Garage in downtown Sacramento, across the street from the California State Capitol building. I saw nearly everybody in the local music scene make music there—folks like Ben Morss (Onward Chariots), Kevin and Allyson Seconds (Go National), Warren Bishop (Onlymen), and even members of world-renowned bands Cake and Bourgeois-Tagg.

And now—Tuesday night is special because, well, I do this radio show called Tuesday Night Diner. This week, we`ve got a couple of Tuesday-related acts on tap for you.

Sarah Stanley is a Los Angeles based singer-songwriter who works mostly in the Americana vein. Her songs have been heard on several of the major U.S. television networks. She put out a fantastic album called Tuesday Girl last year, which producer Rich McCulley (a longtime favorite on my radio shows) sent my way. And I`m so glad he did. Sarah`s songs are passionate, smoky, intelligent, and sometimes fiery. She`s got a gritty voice that complements the tasteful and sometimes dramatic musicianship of this album. And we`ll hear a track off of Tuesday Girl on this show.

Thinking for Tuesday was recommended to my by our own Jordan Thomas, who said that their sound probably plays really well to American ears. I have no idea why that is, but this American loves this British band with the big American sound. Karen Conway is a vocalist who has the power, emotion, and vocal chops of Pat Benatar, but updated for the 21st century. Add some crunchy guitars, and an incredibly sinewy bass, and you`ve got a delectable concoction that we`re going to serve up at our Tuesday Night Diner.

And finally, Tuesday nights just got bigger and better. Last week, we at Recharged Radio welcomed a new presenter to our ranks: Fiona, with the Anything Goes Evening Show. It airs on Tuesday nights, 10:00-11:00 p.m. (GMT), right after my show. Her debut was an unqualified success. She won`t be on this week, because we want to tease you a little. However, she will return to our airwaves starting next week, and will be doing this show weekly. I do say “stay tuned for Fiona” at the end of my show, but please disregard my incoherent little rambling. She won`t be in the house until next week—but I couldn`t wait. This should make your Tuesday nights complete!

If you`d like to make a request, just drop me a line at mike(at) If you`d like to become an honorary California citizen, drop me a line at the same address. And if you`d like to hear all this great music—simply tune in to the Tuesday Night Diner, Tuesday night, 8:00-10:00 p.m. (GMT), only at Recharged Radio—

See you then!

Chef Mike

Jointpop - Monday Morning Love Situation 
Johnny Rawls - Mississippi Barbeque 
The Complete Short Stories - One Blank Channel 
Rich McCulley - Tell Me, I'm Listening 
Beth Thornley - You're So Pony 
Karim Fanous - So Long Jenny J 
Tom Alford - Look To The Stars 
Handcuffs - Gotta' Problem with Me? 
Imani Hekima - Nothing's What It Seems 
Field - Sunday 
Allyson Seconds - I'm Just A Country Girl 
Buzz Radio - One Too Many 
The Corner Laughers - Stonewords 
Hail The Size - Booze, Pills, & Her 
Heiskell - Beneath The Garden 
Thinking For Tuesday - Falling 
Joey Oskys - Within 
Maxi Dunn - Always Be My Friend 
The Ks - The Mosquito 
Baby Scream - Suddenly 
Tippy Canoe & The Paddlemen - Mass Transmissions 
Jeff Merchant - Love Yourself Away 
Nushu - Here's To Feeling Free 
Anton Barbeau - I Used to Say Your Name 
The Taters - Fun At Home 
Chancellorpink - Disgusting 
Onward Chariots - Seven Miles Away 
Joseph Swidenbank - Back Home 
Laurie Biagini - A Far-Out Place 
Kaz Murphy - Killin' Wheel 
Winzenried - Ohio 
Sarah Stanley - Tuesday Girl 
Sparklejet - Let's Behind That Place